
An “Out of the Ordinary” Post–Starship 92

Hey everyone!

So, this is an out-of-the-ordinary post for me, but hey, I’m pumped about this (and super proud of my son)!

My son, Liam Robinson, just released his first album under his band name, Starship 92! He writes and produces his own music and it’s a mix of Hip-Hop and Ballad!

Go check it out and spread the word around! It’s some great music to listen to while you’re writing or driving or just need some great music to listen to!

My two favorite songs are:

Mom We’re All Afraid


Band Name: Starship 92

Album Name: Playing with Magnets

Click here to check it out on Spotify!

Click here to check it out on Apple Music!

Click here to check it out on Youtube Music!




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