
January 2020 in My Encephalitis and New Directions

January 2020

Two years passed by, relatively quickly, in a sense.

Some major things happened along the way.

I ended up learning a great deal about how to pace myself in order to level out my energy levels. I spent some time down in Bethesda, Maryland, being a bit of a guinea pig for a research studyโ€”two tripsโ€”for people who struggle like I do. The experience was exhausting, but wonderful as I had the chance to meet some wonderful people and to contribute towards scientific research!

How cool is that?

Writing has continued to be a great therapy for my brain to keep it active, but itโ€™s also been a great joy as well! I love writing and sharing my stories. I make nothing, financially, from it. I just love writing, creating, and sharing stories!

I still, however, could not come up with an adequate way to explain to people what Iโ€™m going through. For most, if they hear Iโ€™m tired, they think I can just take a nap and get on with things. Orโ€ฆ they think I can just do a scaled-down version of whatever they think I should do.

Or often, I think many people believe I just donโ€™t want to do what they think I should do.

But, I do what I can, pushing myself as hard as I am capable, but careful not to go too far as the consequences are severe, sometimes resulting in days or weeks laying on the couch.

The challenge with what I call living with an โ€œinvisible injuryโ€ is that other people often struggle to understand my limitations.

They want to just say, โ€œPush through it!โ€

I look healthy, Iโ€™m fairly strong, and my body seems to be in great shape and health, but the brain ainโ€™t workinโ€™ quite right.

And I have had to learn to set my own boundaries rather than listen to pressure from without.

There is a certain beauty found in accepting weakness. I think when we hate our weakness, our frailty, we see it as nothing other than a bad thing, something evil to fight and destroy.

But when we come to grips, in a world based on power and status and more, that itโ€™s okay to settle down and be weakโ€ฆ to accept a path of being โ€œlessโ€ than others expect, thereโ€™s a peace and beauty in that, and thatโ€™s a peace and beauty I love.

I think, if I can share a little of an example of Jesus, there was a beautiful point at the end of his time here where he made himself smallโ€ฆ lessโ€ฆ weak. He and his followers were all in a room together, celebrating the Jewish Passover, and he strips down, wraps a towel around his waist, and washes his followerโ€™s feet.

Here, God in the flesh, loves us so much that he came among us and then he became a servant who washes stinky feet? What???

I love that humility, and I love that about Jesus.

He then allowed himself to be even weaker as he moved towards the cross.

I love that about Jesus, and I think I want to be okay with being weak. I think I want to be humble like that.


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