Author: Shawn P. B. Robinson
Where Should I Publish My Book?
One of the questions I get asked the most is this: Where do I publish my book? The question comes in different forms, such as “Should I just publish on Amazon?” or “Do I publish my ebook on Amazon, but my print book on Ingram?” or “Where’s the best place to publish an ebook?” But…
How to Price Match your eBook to Free on Amazon
Now, I’ve posted a lot over the years about publishing your ebook on different sales channels like Kobo, Apple, and Google Books. I’ve also encouraged people to use Draft2Digital (D2D), which is a great way to get your ebook out there to libraries and more, plus D2D has a REALLY nice ebook conversion tool that…
Creating an eBook Box Set with Jutoh! Part II
All right! In Part One of this blog, we talked about the benefits and reasons for creating an ebook box set. And now, on to part 2 of this blog! This is where we dive in and really figure out how to create the ebook box set. Now, there are the Detailed Instructions of how…
Creating an eBook Box Set with Jutoh! Part I
  Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. My health has not been good for years, so I have found blogging to be exhausting at times, but I miss it, and I miss all of you! I have some blogs I’ve already written or have taken me months to write… lol… and…
eBook Creation with Jutoh 3.0
NOTE: There is a discount code for purchasing Jutoh at the bottom of the post. Jutoh!!! I’m always on the lookout for new options for doing the whole publishing thing in a better way. One of the big areas that always involves is looking for improvement in the area of ebook creation. There are tonnes…
Awesome Free Ads Course by Bryan Cohen
Hey everyone! Just a quick blog in the midst of my blogging hiatus (which I hope will end soon…). If you’re looking to sell more books, you REALLY need to check out Bryan Cohen’s free Amazon Ads Challenge! It starts on October 12, so you need to sign up soon! The Challenge One of the…